Good evening wonderful readers! Well Halloween has been and gone. Christmas is just around the corner. But tonight before I get all festive i wanna show you my favourite celebrity costumes from All Hallows Eve.
ED SHEERAN- I loved his Austin Powers outfit and the similarity between them?? Its uncanny and for this it has found its way into my top five.
KIM AND KANYE- I think this is the best joint outfit of the year! I know its nothing shocking but who cant resist a bit of Batman and Cat woman??
JIMMY CARR- The fact that he suits this outfit and the similarity between him and Wednesday Addams offers another source scariness. Because of this its made its way into my top three costumes this year.

IGGY AZELEA- Cruella De Ville. Well what a scary imitation she is. I wouldn't want bump into her in the middle of a dark alley way. Would you?? She's not quite the first but she's a close second.
HEIDI KLUM- WOW. Its a work of art. The colours are vibrant and well blended. I would say its the best butterfly costume ever seen. A worthy first place in my opinion.
Until later..
Au Revior xxx