Thursday, 9 April 2015

Liebster Award

Thank you so much to Cream of the Frock for nominating me for the Liebester Award!!

The rules for the Liebster Award tag are as follows: 
  1. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 follows who you believe deserve the award and include their links. 
  3. Answer the 11 questions posted by the blogger who nominated you and ask your nominees 11 questions.
  4. Notify your nominees!
My answers to the 11 questions are:

What is your favourite blog to read at the moment?
My favourite blog to read is imhereforever I came across her last year and she actually inspired me to create this blog. Her youtube channel is incredible too. I spent most of my christmas break watching her videos. You can check it out here:

Which tv show are you hooked on right now?
Poldark. Its on BBC ONE on a Sunday night and i think its so good. Every episode is as good as the last. The relationships between each character is so well shown. I only intended to watch the first episode because my mum lives in Cornwall and one of her local pubs is called 'The Poldark'. But within the first ten minuets I was completely hooked.

Who is your biggest inspiration?
As cheesy as it may sound. My nan. She died when I was 10 but she was my favourite person ever. Still is. She never smoked and never drank alcohol, she worked hard and everyone liked (it was standing room only at her funeral). And while I can't say that I have never drank alcohol, I haven't smoked and i never want. Everyone who knew my nan always say that she would be really proud of me, it is now my biggest fear that someone will one day say she would be ashamed of me.

How did you come up with the name of your blog?
My blog changed names so often during the first three months. But I came up with Fashionale when i was at work. The store was really quite and I was walking around tidying just saying random names out loud to hear how they sounded. I'm not quite sure why I chose Fashionale when my blog is more lifestyle at the moment. I do have more fashion posts planned!!

Which social media do you use the most and why?
I currently use Instagram a lot at the moment. (Check it out here: sianyreece17).

What is your greatest achievement so far?
My greatest achievement so far is getting in to 'The Fashion Retail Academy' In London. I'm not enjoying it much at the moment. But its still my greatest achievement.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
This is a hard one because everyone says the same thing. I would change workers rights in the world so that everyone gets paid the living rate not the minimum rate. And working conditions also need to be bearable. 

Which of your blog posts are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of my Cheltenham Look Book post. I really enjoyed filming it and being there. I'm planning to do it again later on this year when I hopefully go to Ascot. That one will have more fashion in hopefully.

Which item in your wardrobe can you not stop wearing?
I bought these patterned trousers from Newlook for when I went to South Africa a couple of weeks ago and I haven't had a week go by where I haven't worn them at least once! They do look like pyjama bottoms but they feel so comfy.

What is your favourite place you have visited?
My favourite place I have visited is New York. Its incredible. I'm planning to go back soon when I have saved enough money.

Is there anything you don't like about blogging?
The writing part hahaha I love blogging but sometimes I feel like what I'm writing is boring or doesn't make sense. Writing was never my strong point at school. Blogging does make writing a lot more bearable.

The 11 blogs I nominate are:

Your 11 Questions Are:

1) What is your favourite Magazine?
2) If you were stuck on a Dessert Island what luxury item could you not live without?
3) If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
4) Why did you start Blogging?
5) What food do you hate?
6) What was your worst subject at school?
7) What is your most viewed post?
8) What do you have in your bag right now?
9) What is your goal in life?
10) Where is your ultimate holiday destination?
11) Whats your travel essential?

Comment below when you have answered. Really looking forward to hearing your answers.

With Love
S xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Love those trousers! I wish I'd been to New York, it's definitely on my list of places to go. :) x

    Nicola | Cream of the Frock
