Saturday 17 January 2015

My bucket list

Today I thought I'd share with some of the stuff on my bucket list I don't actually have it written down but in my head it's what I want to do before I die. 
So here it goes:

1) Play twister with paint
2) Travel to Bora Bora 
3) Volunteer in Kenya 
4) Open a business
5) Travel around America in an RV
6) Rennovate an old house 
7) See put a lock on the love bridge in Paris
8) Learn to surf
9) Skydive
10) Have a paint fight
11) Stay a night in a glass igloo
12) Swim with dolphins
13) Go to Orlando
14) Recieve a love letter (not on technology!)
15) Play hide and seek in ikea 
16) Slow dance in the rain
17) Watch a drive in movie
18) Ride on the Orient Express
19) Design a dress for Kate Middleton
20) Ride in a private jet

Until later..
Au Revoir xxx

1 comment:

  1. So interesting to read people's bucket lists, I love yours!

    Anything & Everything
