Monday 2 March 2015

February Favourites

It's that time of the month again :) here are my monthly favourites:

1) Molton Brown- Templetree
I recieved this in my look fantastic box in January and it smells amazing 

2) Pomme De Pain baguettes
Me and my college friends love them! My favourite is the Comte. Their only store in the UK is on Tottenham Court Road. If you're passing by I would definitely go eat there 

3) Models Own Colour Chrome- Mauve 
This colour is so lovely I can't help but stare at my nails when I have it on.

4) Take me to church by Hozier
This song is so catchy. I hear it everywhere, I can't get it out of my head.

5) Lindt Eggs
I love chocolate truffles. Buying these are so much cheaper that a full sized box. 

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