Wednesday 28 January 2015

Open when...

Firstly sorry I haven't posted since last Wednesday. The reason for that being that last weekend was my boyfriends birthday and I was really stressing on what to get him. Fortunately a friend at college gave me the idea of 'open when...' letters. I had seen them on Pinterest before and hadn't actually took much notice of them.

Basically the idea of the letters is that you write a message for the person to open when they feel either and emotion (e.g. Happy) or when something happens (e.g. Passed a test) 

I thought the idea was really cute but was also worried he would find them really cheesy. However he absolutely loved them and has mentioned them every day since Friday! 

You can write about any topic you want but here are the ones I wrote for him:

-Right now 
-When your happy
-If we argue
-When you are bored
-When you need a laugh
-When you can sleep
-Our anniversary 
-When you pass your driving test
-When you have a job interview 
-When you are stressed 
-When you are ill
-When you need a hug
-When you miss me
-When you need a reminder of how much I love you
-When we haven't seen each other in a week 
-When you have a bad day 
-Last letter

Until later...
Au Revoir xxx

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